That's right, Makenzie thought, I will find out for myself.

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Makenzie May and the Starway Flyer
Middle-grade chapter book
151-page (39,400-word) manuscript

Comp titles:
Infinity Ring Book 1: A Mutiny in Time by James Dashner

Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green by Helen Phillips

Ghostscape by Joe Layburn

If you are an interested agent or publisher, please contact us with your submission request and we will be delighted to talk with you about our stories. Thank you.

Gigi Thibodeau
Gigi at
The Magpie's Fancy blog

Eric Scott MacDicken
Eric at
Lantern from Book 3
Join Makenzie and Skyler on their next adventure!
All content copyright © 2015 Gigi Thibodeau and Eric Scott MacDicken.