We're from planet Earth!

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Just as Makenzie and Skyler collaborate on building the Starway Flyer and the Seadeep Sub, so the two of us, Gigi Thibodeau and Eric Scott MacDicken, collaboratively dream up our adventures and the worlds in which they occur. Our backgrounds in writing and the arts, and our own twenty-five-year friendship, form the foundation of these books about the power of friendship, courage, and imagination.

image Gigi earned her Creative Writing MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and her poetry collection, Learning to Tell Time, won the Midnight Sun Chapbook Contest from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Twice she has won the Judith Seigel Pearson Award from Wayne State University, for Fiction and for Essay, and she received Editor's Choice for the James Wright Award from Mid-American Review. She was the Jack Kerouac Writer-in-Residence at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where she also has taught children's literature and is currently developing online creative writing courses. She write freelance articles as well as regular posts for her blog, The Magpie's Fancy
image Coauthor Eric Scott MacDicken works in the marketing, advertising, and storyscaping industry. He crafts communications and materials for educational institutions and organizations, such as George Washington University, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the British Library, HBO Family, and the American Society for Microbiology. His clients also include National Public Radio, the National Press Club, and Whole Foods Market, among others.
All content copyright © 2015 Gigi Thibodeau and Eric Scott MacDicken.